J  o  h  n      H  o  l  l  a  n  d  e  r

Here's the little bit of software that I've uploaded so far. It's not too much yet, but I'm working on it. When I have the time, I'll write a full page summary on each of the programs and/or create separate sections for each type of program. All the software on this page is free to download, so have fun with it.

Here are links to some companies that I have made software for:

Brampton Engineering Film Calculator

This program can be used to calculate blow-up ratios, line speed, resin costs and any other calculations that are required in the blown film extrusion industry.

Personal Programs:


This is a full version of the game Yahtzee. I wrote it a little while back, but hadn't added it to my web page yet because I hadn't finished the help file. I still haven't completely finished the help file, but if you don't mind not having the full help file (the game is pretty easy to figure out anyway) you can download the program now with the complete help file. When I do finish the help file, I'll post it on my page, and you can replace it.

File Analyzer

This is a quick little program that I wrote up. It's not totally done, but I'll keep it updated. I wrote it up while I was looking into some compression algorithms. I figured it would be interesting to be able to look at the contents of some files and see how easy it would be to compress them. Anyway, the first project that I'll be looking at will just use simple Huffman encoding to make the files smaller, (and the next version of this program will determine the size of the resulting file.) Anyway, at the moment, the program just analyzes the contents and spits out a nice graph (with a bit of data on the side.) The closer the two lines are on the graph, the less variability there is within the file, and so, the more difficult it is to compress the file. If you look at a file before and after it has been compressed (with WinZip or some other utility) you will notice that the compressed file has virtually no variability (a sign of a good compression algorithm.) Anyway, I'm just doing some analysis on it. The program is written in VB, it takes about 1 minute to analyze a 110 Meg file, so it's not too slow, but I'm working on it to make it faster - which will probably require re-writing it in C++ (or C#) with a bit of assembler, but not until it matters, right now, just a bit of development.

Gas Station Simulator

This is the gas station simulator program that I had to write in C++ for a class project at Georgian College. It simulates up to 4 pumps, with a specified amount of fuel, arrival interval, and simulation duration. Run the program in DOS using the syntax: gasstation g=nnnnn p=n t=hh.tt i=t, where g is the amount of gas in litres, p is the number of pumps, t is the duration to run the simulation, and i is the maximum arrival interval.

Website Development:


This is a website that I created for my brother's record company; written in JSP. I have just recently moved the page to a new server.

Round the Bend Farm

I didn't write this whole website, just the "Animal Baby Matchup" game. Check out the Animal Baby Matchup Game in the Kids section.

In Progress:

Connect 4:

I'm currently working on a version of Connect 4. I'll update you with more information when I get more of the components done. But until then, you may check out the old Connect 4 game that I wrote in Grade 11 for a school project. This is the first program I ever wrote in C - and I was only given about two weeks to learn the language and write the program. Bear in mind that I wrote this for a Hercules monochrome monitor, so there will only be two colours - blue, and black. Here's the link:

Connect 4

(C) 2002 John Hollander